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주일 예배 공간은
Montgomery Community Church
Main Building에 위치합니다.
KCPC gathers on Sundays at the Main Building
of Montgomery Community Church.
입구는 "Entrance 1"을 사용하시면
됩니다. (입구에 분홍색 표지판이 있음)
Please use "Entrance 1" to enter the building.
(You'll see the pink board sign in front of the door.)
주일 예배시간은 낮 1시 30분이며
예배 장소는 "CHAPEL" 입니다.
Sunday Service Time is 1:30pm,
and the location we gather is called "CHAPEL."
(You'll also see the pink sign in front of the door.)
예배 후에는 친교실에서
간단한 다과 및 교제가 있습니다.
After a service, we have a fellowship refreshment
at the Powerhouse, the fellowship hall.

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